Manual LCP Crystallization
LCP crystallization trials can be set up manually or robotically. Protocols for manual crystallization are provided in this section; using robotics for LCP crystallization is extensively discussed in Cherezov et al., 2004; Cherezov and Caffrey, 2007. It is preferable to perform LCP crystallization trials in glass sandwich plates, described in Cherezov and Caffrey, 2003; Cherezov et al., 2004. These plates have excellent optical properties for detection of extremely small colorless protein crystals growing in an LCP matrix. Glass sandwich plates can be purchased from Paul Marienfeld GmbH or Molecular Dimensions or can be assembled from separately ordered glass slides and perforated spacers. Alternatively, most commercial micro-batch, sitting or hanging drop plates could be used for setting up manual crystallization trials with the caveat that they may provide less than optimal conditions for detection of small colorless crystals, primarily due to the scattering of light from a rough boundary between the LCP bolus and a precipitant solution (Fig. 1A-C). The problem can be circumvented by sandwiching the LCP bolus with a 5 mm diameter glass coverslip (Warner Instruments, cat.# W2 64-0700) as shown in Fig. 1D,E and was used by Lunde et al., 2006. Crystallization setup starts with mixing protein solution with lipid as described in Reconstitution of Protein in LCP. It is advisable to have plates and screening solutions ready before starting protein reconstitution in LCP, and to proceed to crystallization setup immediately after forming protein-laden LCP, because some proteins may not be stable in LCP without added precipitant solution. The whole process of manual setting up a 96-well plate including mixing of protein and lipid takes about 1 hr.
Figure 1. Different ways of setting up crystallization trials in LCP: A. Microbatch, B. Sitting drop, C. Hanging drop, D. Modified hanging drop, E. Modified microbatch. In (D and E) LCP bolus (black) is sandwiched using a small 5 mm in diameter glass coverslip in order to improve optical properties and facilitate detection of crystals growing in LCP. The best conditions for detecting small colorless crystals are achieved when crystallization trials are performed in glass sandwich plates. (F – H) show top views of the glass sandwich plates used in our laboratory. Plates (F and G) are based on a standard microscope slide, which are convenient to use for setting up crystallization trials manually. Plate (H) has an SBS-complaint footprint and is suitable for both robotic and manual setups.
Figure 2. A sequence of steps to prepare LCP and set up crystallization trials in a glass sandwich plate.
For additional details see Caffrey and Cherezov, 2009.
Caffrey, M., and V. Cherezov. (2009) Crystallizing membrane proteins using lipidic mesophases. Nat. Protoc. 4: 706-731. >>
Cherezov, V., Fersi, H., and M. Caffrey. (2001) Crystallization screens: compatibility with the lipidic cubic phase for in meso crystallization of membrane proteins. Biophys. J. 81: 225-242. >>
Cherezov, V., and M. Caffrey. (2003) Nano-volume plates with excellent optical properties for fast, inexpensive crystallization screening of membrane proteins. J. Appl. Cryst. 36: 1372-1377. >>
Cherezov, V., Peddi, A., Muthusubramaniam, L., Zheng, Y.F., and M. Caffrey. (2004) A robotic system for crystallizing membrane and soluble proteins in lipidic mesophases. Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr. 60: 1795-1807. >>
Cherezov, V., and Caffrey, M. (2005) A simple and inexpensive nanoliter-volume dispenser for highly viscous materials used in membrane protein crystallization. J. Appl. Cryst. 38: 398-400. >>
Cherezov, V., and M. Caffrey. (2007) Miniaturization and automation for high-throughput membrane protein crystallization in lipidic mesophases. In: Chayen NE, ed. Protein crystallization strategies for structural genomics, International University Line, San Diego. >>
Lunde, C.S., Rouhani, S., Facciotti, M.T., and R.M. Glaeser. (2006) Membrane-protein stability in a phospholipid-based crystallization medium. J. Struct. Biol. 154: 223-231. >>
Misquitta, Y., Cherezov, V., Havas, F., Patterson, S., Mohan, J.M., Wells, A.J., Hart, D.J., and M. Caffrey. (2004) Rational design of lipid for membrane protein crystallization. J. Struct. Biol. 148, 169-175. >>
Qiu, H., and M. Caffrey. (2000) The phase diagram of the monoolein/water system: metastability and equilibrium aspects. Biomaterials 21: 223-34. >>
Yamashita, J., Shiono, M., and M. Hato. (2008) New Lipid Family That Forms Inverted Cubic Phases in Equilibrium with Excess Water: Molecular Structure - Aqueous Phase Structure Relationship for Lipids with 5,9,13,17-Tetramethyloctadecyl and 5,9,13,17-Tetramethyloctadecanoyl Chains. J. Phys. Chem. B 112, 12286-12296. >>
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